EcoCentric Burl and Curly Maple


About EcoCentric | Products | Catalog | Boards Blocks and Blanks | Mantles | Doors, Frames and Arches | Burl Slab and Cap | Desks | Staircases | Window Frames | Drums | Tree Carvings | Fern Carvings | Wood Styles | Directions | Contact Us

If desired we can kiln-dry large orders. Please be aware that our usual production time is up to one year. We do our best to ensure that you will not experience cracking after delivery, and take the time and necessary precautions to minimize the potential. If there is a waxy end-coat on your product's endgrain please DO NOT remove it, this stabilizes the endgrain from premature drying, overexposure and checking.


We provide a variety of rare, hard to find, and unusual boards and slabs for turning and carving. we also provide gunstock blanks, 3/4" pen blanks, 1 3/4" cue, call, cane, tap, and knife blanks, 3 1/2" table leg and vase blanks, 5" blocks, 2" and 3 1/2" turning squares and natural edge burls.

Please be aware that burl blocks and boards may contain bark inclusions, holes, and soft spots, though we avoid them

Curl boards are cut from 8/4 to 24/4 and to 3 feet wide.
Most of our boards and slabs are short (3-4 foot) but we can cut to longer lengths if ordered. Please be aware that on quartersawn boards, the pith and center area is prone to cracking, and will usually not have the figured traits. These areas are discounted and can be removed on request These boards can be cut thick for resawing width-wise. We will resaw to any application.


Cedar Door Frame



We make a design of desk that is bold and appealing. We like the look from mixing wood, metal and glass. But you can choose for yourself. Our desks are made from two boards 32"high, 26"deep and 2"thick, per side, totaling four boards. They are joined with fingerjointed hinges, handcarved, and pinned through with steel poles, then set at 90 degrees to make two V shapes. These can be inverted if desired.

Options include:

Fingers and pins, or dowels
Height 30" - 36"
Depth and length
Angle of joint 90+ - degrees
Glass or wood top
Holes in sides
Clear or stained maple
Burl/high figure or low figure/plain
Mild or wild edge



Includes 32 knewl posts, 15 treads, 15 risers.
Handrails are optional, with a variety of styles.

Options include:
Flare to bottom (3' to 5' tread width)
Knewl posts from 3" to 6",
riser height and length,
tread width, tread depth, tread thickness,
wild or mild edge on tread front,
3 or 4 step landing, sequential grain throughout
3 five tread sequences of matching grain
sequences of 4 - 5 - 6 treads of matching grain
contrasting hues on components, high figure/burl/spald
picture spald risers, spiral staircase treads.

All staircases are made as individual parts only, all assembly is up to buyer. All dimensions can be utilized upon request. Standard dimensions are:
3/4" thickness for risers
3" thickness for treads
4" thickness, 48" height for knewl posts
All parts come with waxy endcoat to stabilize the end grain from cracking. It is advised to leave the endcoat on if possible. All parts come sanded to 120 grit, all sharp edges are softened, standard finish is oilbased.


We also make Conga drum sets and Djembe's with sequential burl or spald throughout. All custom ordered and tuned.



We cut to order countertops for any application. Our standard thickness is 2"or 3". We are proud to offer high figure solid slab countertops, and can bookmatch for continuous grain. We also make sinkbasin countertops, where the board has a naturally occuring hole or a knot in the middle. These have 4" minimum solid edge on front and back. All countertops are finish sanded to 120 grit, higher on request, sealed and coated with unscratchable epoxy, or oil on request.



Our doors are like no other, they are the pride of the shop. The hours spent on handcarving relief patterns and raised panels is phenomenal. We make solid slab single and double door sets, and specialize in hard to get gothic curved heads. We also make 3-D heads that leap out (or away) from you. These are only a few of the options:

Door height, width and thickness
Head styles: gothic equilatel, lancet or dropped arch
segmented, semi-elliptical or semicircular
3-D toward, away or 2 sided head
Frame styles:Handcarved raised borders, native plants
Figured, bookmatched, relief carved
Finishes: Weathered, antiqued, hand hewn jamb
Natural edge on inside of head and sides
Cedar sides 3-D with burnt, raised grain, hand hewn
Factory standard panel inserts of burl/curl/spald




Mantles and Free Hanging Shelfs

Our mantles and free hanging shelfs are one of our best sellers. Below is a list of options for the custom buyer. Because of their width, all mantles and shelfs come with waxy end-coat on the endgrain to prevent from cracking in variable weather. This should NOT be removed. All stock options are marked (*). Please be patient for all non-stock (custom) products.
Options include:
serpentine edge, concave edge, curved bottom edge
bottom burls, figured/no figure, spalted,
deep or shallow depth, longer or shorter,
slope of front edge towards or away from viewer,
thick (5") or thin (2-3"), unusual shape very wild,
holes in surface, wild or mild edge,
full enclosure (surround) or corbels (supports),
four centered or squared.


Tables and Table Legs

Our tables are one of a kind. We like to make them thick and heavy, like a table should be, but can do anything. These tables must be assembled on delivery as a kit. Please be sure to mention the finish you would prefer.

Some of the options include:
bookmatched top, four quarter bookmatched, solid slab,
round, square or oval, end grain burl,
burl, curl, spalted, with or without surface holes,
with dramatic (wild) or mild edge,
# of legs (3 or 4), pedestal legs,
unusual carved pedestal legs,
straight or footed legs,
height of table (30-36"), size of surface area,
thickness (2-3" stock)

How to Order

At this time you can order through E-mail at or you can phone (wholesale only please) 1-360-482-4259, or for RETAIL sales 1-800-378-5189. You can link to the retail homepage at

